Source code for prometheus_api_client.prometheus_connect

"""A Class for collection of metrics from a Prometheus Host."""
from urllib.parse import urlparse
import bz2
import os
import sys
import json
import logging
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import requests
from retrying import retry

# set up logging
_LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# In case of a connection failure try 2 more times
# wait 1 second before retrying in case of an error

[docs]class PrometheusConnect: """ A Class for collection of metrics from a Prometheus Host. :param url: (str) url for the prometheus host :param headers: (dict) A dictionary of http headers to be used to communicate with the host. Example: {"Authorization": "bearer my_oauth_token_to_the_host"} :param disable_ssl: (bool) If set to True, will disable ssl certificate verification for the http requests made to the prometheus host """ def __init__( self, url: str = "", headers: dict = None, disable_ssl: bool = False ): """Constructor for the class PrometheusConnect.""" self.headers = headers self.url = url self.prometheus_host = urlparse(self.url).netloc self._all_metrics = None self.ssl_verification = not disable_ssl
[docs] @retry(stop_max_attempt_number=MAX_REQUEST_RETRIES, wait_fixed=CONNECTION_RETRY_WAIT_TIME) def all_metrics(self, params: dict = None): """ Get the list of all the metrics that the prometheus host scrapes. :param params: (dict) Optional dictionary containing GET parameters to be sent along with the API request, such as "time" :returns: (list) A list of names of all the metrics available from the specified prometheus host :raises: (Http Response error) Raises an exception in case of a connection error """ params = params or {} response = requests.get( "{0}/api/v1/label/__name__/values".format(self.url), verify=self.ssl_verification, headers=self.headers, params=params, ) if response.status_code == 200: self._all_metrics = response.json()["data"] else: raise Exception( "HTTP Status Code {} ({})".format(response.status_code, response.content) ) return self._all_metrics
[docs] @retry(stop_max_attempt_number=MAX_REQUEST_RETRIES, wait_fixed=CONNECTION_RETRY_WAIT_TIME) def get_current_metric_value( self, metric_name: str, label_config: dict = None, params: dict = None ): r""" A method to get the current metric value for the specified metric and label configuration. :param metric_name: (str) The name of the metric :param label_config: (dict) A dictionary that specifies metric labels and their values :param params: (dict) Optional dictionary containing GET parameters to be sent along with the API request, such as "time" :returns: (list) A list of current metric values for the specified metric :raises: (Http Response error) Raises an exception in case of a connection error Example Usage: ``prom = PrometheusConnect()`` ``my_label_config = {'cluster': 'my_cluster_id', 'label_2': 'label_2_value'}`` ``prom.get_current_metric_value(metric_name='up', label_config=my_label_config)`` """ params = params or {} data = [] if label_config: label_list = [str(key + "=" + "'" + label_config[key] + "'") for key in label_config] query = metric_name + "{" + ",".join(label_list) + "}" else: query = metric_name # using the query API to get raw data response = requests.get( "{0}/api/v1/query".format(self.url), params={**{"query": query}, **params}, verify=self.ssl_verification, headers=self.headers, ) if response.status_code == 200: data += response.json()["data"]["result"] else: raise Exception( "HTTP Status Code {} ({})".format(response.status_code, response.content) ) return data
[docs] @retry(stop_max_attempt_number=MAX_REQUEST_RETRIES, wait_fixed=CONNECTION_RETRY_WAIT_TIME) def get_metric_range_data( self, metric_name: str, label_config: dict = None, start_time: datetime = ( - timedelta(minutes=10)), end_time: datetime =, chunk_size: timedelta = None, store_locally: bool = False, params: dict = None, ): r""" A method to get the current metric value for the specified metric and label configuration. :param metric_name: (str) The name of the metric. :param label_config: (dict) A dictionary specifying metric labels and their values. :param start_time: (datetime) A datetime object that specifies the metric range start time. :param end_time: (datetime) A datetime object that specifies the metric range end time. :param chunk_size: (timedelta) Duration of metric data downloaded in one request. For example, setting it to timedelta(hours=3) will download 3 hours worth of data in each request made to the prometheus host :param store_locally: (bool) If set to True, will store data locally at, `"./metrics/hostname/metric_date/name_time.json.bz2"` :param params: (dict) Optional dictionary containing GET parameters to be sent along with the API request, such as "time" :return: (list) A list of metric data for the specified metric in the given time range :raises: (Exception) Raises an exception in case of a connection error """ params = params or {} data = [] _LOGGER.debug("start_time: %s", start_time) _LOGGER.debug("end_time: %s", end_time) _LOGGER.debug("chunk_size: %s", chunk_size) if not (isinstance(start_time, datetime) and isinstance(end_time, datetime)): raise TypeError("start_time and end_time can only be of type datetime.datetime") if not chunk_size: chunk_size = end_time - start_time if not isinstance(chunk_size, timedelta): raise TypeError("chunk_size can only be of type datetime.timedelta") start = round(start_time.timestamp()) end = round(end_time.timestamp()) if (end_time - start_time).total_seconds() < chunk_size.total_seconds(): sys.exit("specified chunk_size is too big") chunk_seconds = round(chunk_size.total_seconds()) if label_config: label_list = [str(key + "=" + "'" + label_config[key] + "'") for key in label_config] query = metric_name + "{" + ",".join(label_list) + "}" else: query = metric_name _LOGGER.debug("Prometheus Query: %s", query) while start < end: if start + chunk_seconds > end: chunk_seconds = end - start # using the query API to get raw data response = requests.get( "{0}/api/v1/query".format(self.url), params={ **{ "query": query + "[" + str(chunk_seconds) + "s" + "]", "time": start + chunk_seconds, }, **params, }, verify=self.ssl_verification, headers=self.headers, ) if response.status_code == 200: data += response.json()["data"]["result"] else: raise Exception( "HTTP Status Code {} ({})".format(response.status_code, response.content) ) if store_locally: # store it locally self._store_metric_values_local( metric_name, json.dumps(response.json()["data"]["result"]), start + chunk_seconds, ) start += chunk_seconds return data
def _store_metric_values_local(self, metric_name, values, end_timestamp, compressed=False): r""" Store metrics on the local filesystem, optionally with bz2 compression. :param metric_name: (str) the name of the metric being saved :param values: (str) metric data in JSON string format :param end_timestamp: (int) timestamp in any format understood by \ datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp() :param compressed: (bool) whether or not to apply bz2 compression :returns: (str) path to the saved metric file """ if not values: _LOGGER.debug("No values for %s", metric_name) return None file_path = self._metric_filename(metric_name, end_timestamp) if compressed: payload = bz2.compress(str(values).encode("utf-8")) file_path = file_path + ".bz2" else: payload = str(values).encode("utf-8") os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(file_path), exist_ok=True) with open(file_path, "wb") as file: file.write(payload) return file_path def _metric_filename(self, metric_name: str, end_timestamp: int): r""" Add a timestamp to the filename before it is stored. :param metric_name: (str) the name of the metric being saved :param end_timestamp: (int) timestamp in any format understood by \ datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp() :returns: (str) the generated path """ end_timestamp = datetime.fromtimestamp(end_timestamp) directory_name = end_timestamp.strftime("%Y%m%d") timestamp = end_timestamp.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M") object_path = ( "./metrics/" + self.prometheus_host + "/" + metric_name + "/" + directory_name + "/" + timestamp + ".json" ) return object_path
[docs] @retry(stop_max_attempt_number=MAX_REQUEST_RETRIES, wait_fixed=CONNECTION_RETRY_WAIT_TIME) def custom_query(self, query: str, params: dict = None): """ A method to send a custom query to a Prometheus Host. This method takes as input a string which will be sent as a query to the specified Prometheus Host. This query is a PromQL query. :param query: (str) This is a PromQL query, a few examples can be found at :param params: (dict) Optional dictionary containing GET parameters to be sent along with the API request, such as "time" :returns: (list) A list of metric data received in response of the query sent :raises: (Exception) Raises an exception in case of a connection error """ params = params or {} data = None query = str(query) # using the query API to get raw data response = requests.get( "{0}/api/v1/query".format(self.url), params={**{"query": query}, **params}, verify=self.ssl_verification, headers=self.headers, ) if response.status_code == 200: data = response.json()["data"]["result"] else: raise Exception( "HTTP Status Code {} ({})".format(response.status_code, response.content) ) return data