Source code for prometheus_api_client.metric_range_df

"""A pandas.DataFrame subclass for Prometheus range vector responses."""
from pandas import DataFrame
from pandas._typing import Axes, Dtype
from typing import Optional, Sequence

[docs]class MetricRangeDataFrame(DataFrame): """Subclass to format and represent Prometheus query response as pandas.DataFrame. Assumes response is either a json or sequence of jsons. This class should be used specifically to instantiate a query response, where the query response has several timestamp values per series. That is, a range vector is expected. If the data is an instant vector, use MetricSnapshotDataFrame instead. Some argument descriptions in this docstring were copied from pandas.core.frame.DataFrame. :param data: (list|json) A single metric (json with keys "metric" and "values"/"value") or list of such metrics received from Prometheus as a response to query :param index: (pandas.Index|array-like) Index to use for resulting dataframe. Will default to pandas.RangeIndex if no indexing information part of input data and no index provided. :param columns: (pandas.Index|array-like) Column labels to use for resulting dataframe. Will default to list of labels + "timestamp" + "value" if not provided. :param dtype: (dtype) default None. Data type to force. Only a single dtype is allowed. If None, infer. :param copy: (bool) default False. Copy data from inputs. Only affects DataFrame / 2d ndarray input. Example Usage: .. code-block:: python prom = PrometheusConnect() metric_data = prom.get_current_metric_value(metric_name='up', label_config=my_label_config) metric_df = MetricRangeDataFrame(metric_data) metric_df.head() ''' +------------+------------+-----------------+--------------------+-------+ | | __name__ | cluster | label_2 | value | +-------------------------+-----------------+--------------------+-------+ | timestamp | | | | | +============+============+=================+====================+=======+ | 1577836800 | __up__ | cluster_id_0 | label_2_value_2 | 0 | +-------------------------+-----------------+--------------------+-------+ | 1577836801 | __up__ | cluster_id_1 | label_2_value_3 | 1 | +-------------------------+-----------------+------------=-------+-------+ ''' """ def __init__( self, data=None, index: Optional[Axes] = None, columns: Optional[Axes] = None, dtype: Optional[Dtype] = None, copy: bool = False, ): """Functions as a constructor for MetricRangeDataFrame class.""" if data is not None: # if just a single json instead of list/set/other sequence of jsons, # treat as list with single entry if not isinstance(data, Sequence): data = [data] row_data = [] for v in data: if "value" in v: raise TypeError( "data must be a range vector. Expected range vector, got instant vector" ) for t in v["values"]: row_data.append({**v["metric"], "timestamp": t[0], "value": t[1]}) # init df normally now super(MetricRangeDataFrame, self).__init__( data=row_data, index=index, columns=columns, dtype=dtype, copy=copy ) self.set_index(["timestamp"], inplace=True)